K. P. Nuckolls, M. G. Scheer, D. Wong, M. Oh, R. L. Lee, J. Herzog-Arbeitman, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. Lian, and A. Yazdani, "Spectroscopy of the Fractal Hofstadter Energy Spectrum," arXiv:2501.04777 (2025).
C. Chen, K. P. Nuckolls, S. Ding, W. Miao, D. Wong, M. Oh, R. L. Lee, S. He, C. Peng, D. Pei, Y. Li, C. Hao, H. Yan, H. Xiao, H. Gao, Q. Li, S. Zhang, J. Liu, L. He, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, C. Li, X. Han, D. Pan, Z. Liu, X. Dai, C. Liu, B. A. Bernevig, Y. Wang, A. Yazdani, and Y. Chen, “Strong electron-phonon coupling in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene,” Nature 636, 342-347 (2024). https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.14903v2
S. Pu, A. C. Balram, Y. Hu, Y.-C. Tsui, M. He, N. Regnault, M. . Zaletel, A. Yazdani, and Z. Papić, “Fingerprints of composite fermion Lambda levels in scanning tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 110, L081107 (2024). https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.06779v2
C.-X. Liu, Y. Chen, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig, “Electron-K-phonon interaction in twisted bilayer graphene,” Phys. Rev. B 110, 045133 (2024). https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.15551v1
K. P. Nuckolls and A. Yazdani, "A microscopic perspective on moiré materials," Nature Reviews Materials 9, 460-480 (2024) https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.08044v1
Y.-C. Tsui, M. He, Y. Hu, E. Lake, T. Wang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. P. Zaletel, and A. Yazdani, "Direct Observation of a magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystal," Nature 628, 287-292 (2024). arXiv:2312.11632
A. Yazdani, F. Von Oppen, B. I. Halperin, and A. Yacoby, "Hunting for Majoranas," Science 380, no. 6651 (2023).
Y. Hu, Yen-Chen Tsui, M. He, U. Kamber, T. Wang, A. S. Mohammadi, K Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Z. Papic, M. P. Zaletel, and A. Yazdani, High-Resolution Tunneling Spectroscopy of Fractional Quantum Hall States,” arXiv:2308.05789 (2023).
D. Wong, K. P. Nuckolls, M. Oh, R. L. Lee, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, and A. Yazdani, "Insulators at Fractional Fillings in Twisted Bilayer Graphene Partially Aligned to Hexagonal Boron Nitride," Low Temperature Physics 49, 655-661 (2023). arXiv:2303.08246 (2023).
G. Farahi, C.-L. Chiu, X. Liu, Z. Papic, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. P. Zaletel, and A. Yazdani, "Broken symmetries and excitation spectra of interacting electrons in partially filled Landau levels," Nature Physics 19, 1482-1488 (2023). arXiv:2303.16993
C. Chen, K. P. Nuckolls, S. Ding, W. Miao, D. Wong, M. Oh, R. L. Lee, S. He, C. Peng, D. Pei, Y. Li, S. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. Liu, C. Jozwiak, A. Bostwick, E. Rotenberg, C. Li, X. Han, D. Pan, X. Dai, C. Liu, B. A. Bernevig, Y. Wang, A. Yazdani, and Y. Chen, "Strong Inter-valley Electron-Phonon Coupling in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene," arXiv:2303.14903 (2023).
K. P. Nuckolls, R. L. Lee, M. Oh, D. Wong, T. Soejima, J. Pyo Hong, D. Călugăru, J. Herzog-Arbeitman, B. A. Bernevig, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, N. Regnault, M. P. Zaletel, and A. Yazdani, "Quantum textures of the many-body wavefunctions in magic-angle graphene," Nature 620, 525-532 (2023). arXiv:2303.00024 (2023).
D. Călugăru, N. Regnault, M. Oh, K. P. Nuckolls, D. Wong, R. L. Lee, A. Yazdani, O. Vafek, B. A. Bernevig, “Spectroscopy of twisted bilayer graphene correlated insulators," Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 117602 (September 2022). ArXiv:2110.15300 (2021)
Y. Jia, P. Wang, C.-L. Chiu, Z. Song, G. Yu, B. Jäck, S. Lei, S. Klemenz, F. A. Cevallos, M. Onyszczak, N. Fishchenko, X. Liu, G. Farahi, F. Xie, Y. Xu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. A. Bernevig, R. J. Cava, L. M. Schoop, A. Yazdani, and S. Wu, "Evidence for a monolayer excitonic insulator," Nature Physics 18, 87-93 (2022). ArXiv:2010.05390 (2020).
N. Regnault, Y. Xu, M.-R. Li, D.-S. Ma, M. Jovanovic, A. Yazdani, S. S. P. Parkin, C. Felser, L. M. Schoop, N. P. Ong, R. J. Cava, L. Elcoro, Z.-D. Song, B. A. Bernevig, “Catalogue of flat band stoichiometric materials,” Nature 603, 824-828 (2022).
X. Liu, G. Farahi, C.-L. Chiu, Z. Papic, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. P. Zaletel and A. Yazdani, "Visualizing broken symmetry and topological defects in a quantum Hall ferromagnet," Science 375, 6578, 321-326 (2021).
M. Oh, K. P. Nuckolls, D. Wong, R. L. Lee, X. Liu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi and A. Yazdani, "Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene," Nature 600, 240-245 (2021). Free link.
X. Liu, C.-L. Chiu, J. Y. Lee, G. Farahi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Vishwanath and A. Yazdani, “Spectroscopy of a tunable moiré system with a correlated and topological flat band,” Nature Communication 12, 2732 (2021). arXiv:2008.07552
B. Jäck, Y. Xie and A. Yazdani, “Detecting and distinguishing Majorana zero modes with the scanning tunnelling microscope,” Nature Reviews Physics 3, issue 8 (2021). Free link.
H. Ding, Y. Hu, M. T. Randeria, S. Hoffman, O. Deb, J. Klinovaja, D. Loss and A. Yazdani "Tuning interactions between spins in a superconductor," PNAS 118 (14) e2024837118 (2021).
A. Yazdani, “Magic, symmetry, and twisted matter,” Science 371, no. 6534, 1098-1099 (Perspective) (2021).
E. Y. Andrei, D. K. Efetov, P Jarillo-Herrero, A. H. MacDonald, K. F. Mak, T. Senthil, E. Tutuc, A. Yazdani and A. F. Young, “The marvels of moiré materials,” Nat Rev Mater 6, 201-206 (Viewpoint) (2021).
B. Lian, Z.-D. Song, N. Regnault, D. K. Efetov, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig, "Twisted bilayer graphene. IV. Exact insulator ground states and phase diagram," Phys. Rev. B 103, 205414 (2021).
K. P. Nuckolls, M. Oh, D. Wong, B. Lian, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. A. Bernevig and A. Yazdani, “Strongly correlated Chern insulators in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene,” Nature 588, 610-615 (2020). Free link.
B. Jäck, Y. Xie, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Observation of backscattering induced by magnetism in a topological edge state”. PNAS 117, 16214 (2020).
D. Wong, S. Jeon, K. P. Nuckolls, M. Oh, S. C. J. Kingsley and A. Yazdani, “A modular ultra-high vacuum millikelvin scanning tunneling microscope”. Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 023703 (2020).
D. Wong, K. P. Nuckolls, M. Oh, B. Lian, Y. Xie, S. Jeon, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. A. Bernevig and A. Yazdani, “Cascade of electronic transitions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene”. Nature 582, 198-202 (2020). Free Link
S. Lei, J. Lin, Y. Jia, M. Gray, A. Topp, G. Farahi, S. Klemenz, T. Gao, F. Rodolakis, J. L. McChesney, C. R. Ast, A. Yazdani, K. S. Burch, S. Wu, N. P. Ong, L. M. Schoop, "High mobility in a van der Waals layered antiferromagnetic metal," Sci. Adv. Vol. 6, no. 6, eaay6407 (2020).
K. Agarwal, M. T. Randeria, A. Yazdani, S. L. Sondhi and S. A. Parameswaran, “Topology- and symmetry-protected domain wall conduction in quantum Hall nematics”. Physical Review B 100, 16, 165103, 2019.
Bernevig, B. A., and A. Yazdani. “New Research Reveals how Electrons Interact in Twisted Graphene”. Scientific American (July 2019 blog).
Yazdani, A. “Conjuring Majorana with synthetic magnetism”. Nature Materials 18, 1036-1037 (2019).
Y. Xie, B. Lian, B. Jäck, X. Liu, C.-L. Chiu, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Spectroscopic signatures of many-body correlations in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene”. Nature 572, 101-105, (2019).
B. Jäck, Y. Xie, J. Li, S. Jeon, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Observation of a Majorana zero mode in a topologically protected edge channel”. Science 364, 1255-1259 (2019).
Mishmash, R. V., A. Yazdani, and M. P. Zaletel. “Majorana lattices from the quantized Hall limit of a proximitized spin-orbit coupled electron gas”. Physical Review B 99, 11, 115427 (2019).
M. T. Randeria, K. Agarwal, B. E. Feldman, H. Ding, H. Ji, R. J. Cava, S. L. Sondhi, S. A. Parameswaran, and A.Yazdani, “Interacting multi-channel topological boundary modes in a quantum Hall valley system”. Nature 566, 363-367 (2019).
F. Schindler, Z. Wang, M. G. Vergniory, A. M. Cook, A. Murani, S. Sengupta, A. Y. Kasumov, R. Deblock, S. Jeon, I. Drozdov, H. Bouchiat, S. Guéron, A. Yazdani, B. A. Bernevig, and T. Neupert, “Higher-order topology in bismuth”. Nature Physics 14, 918-924 (2018).
J. Li, S. Jeon, Y. Xie, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig, “Majorana spin in magnetic atomic chain systems”. Physical Review B 97, 125119, 12 (2018).
M. T. Randeria, B. E. Feldman, F. Wu, H. Ding, A. Gyenis, H. Ji, R. J. Cava, A. H. MacDonald, and A. Yazdani, “Ferroelectric quantum Hall phase revealed by visualizing Landau level wavefunction interference”. Nature Physics 14, 796-800 (2018).
A. Gyenis, B. E. Feldman, M. T. Randeria, G. A. Peterson, E. D. Bauer, P. Aynajian, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing heavy fermion confinement and Pauli-limited superconductivity in layered CeCoIn5”. Nature Communications 9, 549 (2018).
Z. Papić, R. S. K. Mong, A. Yazdani, and M. P. Zaletal, “Imaging Anyons with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”. Physical Review X 8, 011037 (2018).
S. Jeon, Y. Xie, J. Li, Z. Wang, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Distinguishing a Majorana zero mode using spin resolved measurements”. Science 358, 772 (2017).
B. E. Feldman, M. T. Randeria, J. Li, S. Jeon, Y. Xie, Z. Wang, I. K. Drozdov, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “High-resolution studies of the Majorana atomic chain platform”. Nature Physics 13, 286 (2016).
A. Gyenis, H. Inoue, S. Jeon, B. B. Zhou, B. E. Feldman, Z. Wang, J. Li, S. Jiang, Q. D. Gibson, S. K. Kushwaha, J. W. Krizan, N. Ni, R. J. Cava, B. A. Andrei Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Imaging electronic states on topological semimetals using scanning tunneling microscopy”. New Journal of Physics 18, 105003 (2016).
M. Liu, W. Wang, A. R. Richardella, A. Kandala, J. Li, A. Yazdani, N. Samarth, and N. P. Ong, “Large discrete jumps observed in the transition between Chern states in a ferromagnetic topological insulator”. Science Advances 29, No. 7, e1600167 (2016).
B. E. Feldman, M. T. Randeria, A. Gyenis, F. Wu, H. Ji, R. J. Cava, A. H. MacDonald, and A. Yazdani, “Observation of a nematic quantum Hall liquid on the surface of bismuth”. Science, vol. 354, issue 6310, pp. 316-321, 2016. [Princeton University press release: "Unusual quantum liquid on crystal surface could inspire future electronics."]
A. Gyenis, E. H. da Silva Neto, R. Sutarto, E. Schierle, F. He, E. Weschke, M. Kavai, R. E. Baumbach, J. D. Thompson, E. D. Bauer, Z. Fisk, A. Damascelli, A. Yazdani, and Pegor Aynajian, “Quasiparticle interference of heavy fermions in resonant x-ray scattering”. Science Advances 2, No. 10, (2016).
H. Inoue, A. Gyenis, Z. Wang, J. Li, S. W. Oh, S. Jiang, N. Ni, B. A. Bernevig and A. Yazdani, “Quasiparticle interference of the Fermi arcs and surface-bulk connectivity of Weyl semimetals”. Science 351, 6278, pp. 1184-1187 ( 2016). [Princeton University press release: "Down the rabbit hole: how electrons travel through exotic new material."]
M. T. Randeria, B. E. Feldman, I. K. Drozdov, and A. Yazdani, “Scanning Josephson spectroscopy on the atomic scale”. Physical Review B Rapid Communications 93, 161115R, 2016: , 16115R. [Selected as Editor's choice.]
S. K. Kushwaha, I. Pletikosić, T. Liang, A. Gyenis, S. H. Lapidus, Y. Tian, H. Zhao, K. S. Burch, J. Lin, W. Wang, H. Ji, A. V. Fedorov, A. Yazdani, N. P. Ong, T. Valla, and R. J. Cava, “Sn-doped Bi1.1 Sb 0.9Te2S, a bulk topological insulator with ideal properties”. Nature Communication 7 (2016).
J. Li, T. Neupert, Z. Wang, A. H. MacDonald, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig, “Two-dimensional chiral topological superconductivity in Shiba lattices”. Nature Communication 7, 12297 (2016).
P. K. Das, D. Di Sante, I. Vobornik, J. Fujii, T. Okuda, E. Bruyer, A. Gyenis, B. E. Feldman, J. Tao, R. Ciancio, G. Rossi, M. N. Ali, S. Picozzi, A. Yazdani, G. Panaccione, and R. J. Cava, “Layer-dependent quantum cooperation of electron and hole states In the anomalous semimetal WTe2”. Nature Communication 7, 10847 (2016).
J. Li, T. Neupert, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Manipulating Majorana zero modes on atomic rings with external magnetic field”. Nature Communication 7, 10395 (2016).
Neupert, T., A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig. “Shiba chains of scalar impurities on unconventional superconductors”. Physical Review B 93, 094508 (2016).
Yazdani, A., E.H. Silva da Neto, and P. Aynajian. “Spectroscopic imaging of strongly correlated electronic states”. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 7, 11 (2016).
S. Kourtis, J. Li, Z. Wang, A. Yazdani, and B. A. Bernevig, “Universal signatures of Fermi arcs in quasiparticle interference on the surface of Weyl semimetals”. Physical Review B Rapid Communication 93, 041109 (2016).
S. K. Kushwaha, J. W. Krizan, B. E. Feldman, A. Gyenis, M. T. Randeria, J. Xiong, S-Y. Xu, N. Alidoust, I. Belopolski, T. Liang, M. Z. Hasan, N. P. Ong, A. Yazdani, and R. J. Cava, “Bulk crystal growth and electronic characterization of the 3D Dirac semimetal Na3Bi”. Applied Physics Letters Materials 3, 041504, (2015).
H. Luo, W. Xie, J. Tao, H. Inoue, A. Gyenis, J. W. Krizan, A. Yazdani, Y. Zhu, and R. J. Cava, “Polytypism, polymorphism, and superconductivity in TaSe2-x Tex”. Proceeding of National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 11 (2015).
Yazdani, A. “Visualizing Majorana fermions in a chain of magnetic atoms on a superconductor,” Proceedings of Nobel Symposium on Topological Phases of Matter, Physical Scripta T164, 014012 (2015).
S. K. Kushwaha, J. W. Krizan, B. E. Feldman, A. Gyenis, M. T. Randeria, J. Xiong, S-Y. Xu, N. Alidoust, I. Belopolski, T. Liang, M. Z. Hasan, N. P. Ong, A. Yazdani, and R. J. Cava, “Bulk crystal growth and electronic characterization of the 3D Dirac semimetal Na3Bi”. Applied Physics Letters Materials 3, 041504 (2015).
M. N. Ali, Q. Gibson, S. Jeon, B. B. Zhou, A. Yazdani, and R. J. Cava, “The Crystal and Electronic Structures of Cd3As2, the Three-Dimensional Electronic Analogue of Graphene”. Inorganic Chemistry 53, 4062-4067, 2014.
I. K. Drozdov, A. Alexandradinata, S. Jeon, S. Nadj-Perge, H. Ji, R. J. Cava, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “One-Dimensional Topological Edge States of Bismuth Bilayers”. Nature Physics 10, 663-669 (2014). [Recommended for Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics with a commentary by Leonid Glazman.]
E. H. da Silva Neto, P. Aynajian, A. Frano, R. Comin, E. Schierle, E. Weschke, A. Gyenis, J. Wen, J. Schneeloch, Z. Xu, S. Ono, G. Gu, M. Le Tacon, and A. Yazdani, “Ubiquitous Interplay Between Charge Ordering and High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates”. Science 343, 6169, pp. 393-396 (2014).
P. Aynajian, E. H. da Silva Neto, B. B. Zhou, S. Misra, R. E. Baumbach, Z. Fisk, J. Mydosh, J. D. Thompson, E. D. Bauer, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing Heavy Fermion Formation and Their Unconventional Superconductivity in F-Electron Materials”. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 83, 061008 (2014) (invited review).
S. Jeon, B. B. Zhou, A. Gyenis, B. E. Feldman, I. Kimchi, A. C. Potter, Q. D. Gibson, R. J. Cava, A. Vishwanath, and A. Yazdani, “Landau Quantization and Quasiparticle Interference in the Three Dimensional Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2”. Nature Materials 13, 851-856, 2014.
S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, J. Li, H. Chen, S. Jeon, J. Seo, A. H. MacDonald, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Observation of Majorana Fermions in Ferromagnetic Atomic Chains on a Superconductor”. Science 2014.
Princeton University press release.
YouTube movie showing how the experiment is performed.
Also see perspective by Patrick Lee.]
J. Li, H. Chen, I. K. Drozdov, A. Yazdani, B. A. Bernevig, and A. H. MacDonald, “Topological Superconductivity Induced by Ferromagnetic Metal Chains”. Physical Review B 90, 235433, 2014.
S. Misra, B. Zhou, I.K. Drozdov, J. Seo, L. Urban, A. Gyenis, S. C. J. Kingsley, H. Jones, and A. Yazdani, “Design and Performance of an Ultra-High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope Operating at Dilution Refrigerator Temperatures and High Magnetic Fields”. Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 103903 2013.
E. H. da Silva Neto, P. Aynajian, R. E. Baumbach, E. D. Bauer, J. Mydosh, S. Ono, and A. Yazdani, “Detection of Electronic Nematicity Using Scanning Tunneling Microscope”. Physical Review B 87, 161170 (2013). (Editor’s choice).
S. Misra, L. Urban, M. Kim, G. Sambandamurthy, and A. Yazdani, “Measurements of the Magnetic-Field-Tuned Conductivity of Disordered Two-Dimensional Mo43Ge577 and InOx Superconducting Films: Evidence for a Universal Minimum Superfluid Response”. Physical Review Letters 110, 037002, 2013.
S. Nadj-Perge, I.K. Drozdov, B. A. Bernevig, and A. Yazdani, “Proposal for Realizing Majorana Fermions in Chains of Magnetic Atoms on a Superconductor”. Rapid Communications in Physical Review B 2013.
A. Gyenis, I.K. Drozdov, S. Nadj-Perge, O. B. Jeong, J. Seo, I. Pletkosic, T. Valla, G. D. Gu, and A. Yazdani, “Quasiparticle Interference on the Surface of the Topological Crystalline Insulator Pb1-xSnxSe”. Physical Review B 2013.
Q. D. Gibson, L. M. Schoop. A. P. Weber, H. Ji, S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, H. Beidenkopf, J. T. Sadowski, A. Fedorov, A. Yazdani, T. Valla, and R. J. Cava, “Termination-Dependent Topological Surface states of the Natural Superlattice Phase Bi4Se3”. Physical Review B 2013.
J. Klinovaja, P. Stano, A. Yazdani, and D. Loss, “Toplological Superconductivity and Majorana Fermions in RKKY Systems”. Physical Review Letters 111, 186805, 2013.
B. B. Zhou, S. Misra, E. H. da Silva Neto, P. Aynajian, R. E. Baumbach, J. D. Thompson, E. D. Bauer, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing Nodal Heavy Fermion Superconductivity in CeCoIn5”. Nature Physics 9, 474-479, 2013.
Also see News and Views by Louis Taillefer.
Work featured as the cover image of Nature Physics.
Also see 2Physics coverage.
Beidenkopf, H., P. Roushan, and A. Yazdani. “Visualizing Topological Surface States and Their Novel Properties Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy”. Invited chapter in Topological Insulators, edited by M. Franz and L. Molenkamp, Elsevier (2013).
Yazdani, A. “Visualizing Critical Correlations Near the Metal-Insulator Transition in Ga1-xMnxAs”. Invited chapter (pgs 244-255) in Conductor-Insulator Quantum Phase Transition, edited by V. Dobrosavlevjic, N. Trivedi, and J. M. Valles, Oxford University Press (2012).
S. Jia, H. Beidenkopf, I. Drozdov, M. K. Fuccillo, J. Seo, J. Xiong, N. P. Ong, A. Yazdani, and R. J. Cava, “Defects and High Bulk Resistivities in the Bi-Rich Tetradymite Topological Insulator Bi2+xTe2-xSe”. Phys. Rev. B 86, 165119 (2012).
E. H. da Silva Neto, C. V. Parker, P. Aynajian, A. Pushp, J. Wen, Z. Xu, G. Gu, and A. Yazdani, “Detecting Incipient Stripe Order in the High-Temperature Superconductor Bi2SrsCaCu2O8+d”. Physica C 481, 153 (2012).
D. Zhang, A. Richardella, S.-Y. Xu, D. W. Rench, A. Kandala, T. C. Flanagan, H. Beidenkopf, A. Yeats, B. B. Buckley, P. Klimov, D. D. Awschalom, A. Yazdani, P. Schiffer, M. Z. Hasan, and N. Samarth, “Interplay Between Ferromagnetism, Surface States, and Quantum Corrections in a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator”. Physics Review B 86, 205127 (2012).
E. H. da Silva Neto, C. V. Parker, P. Aynajian, A. Pushp, A. Yazdani, J.Wen, Z. Xu, and G. Gu, “Scattering from Incipient Stripe Order in the High-Temperature Superconductor Bi2SrsCaCu2O8+d”. Physical Review B 85, 104521 (2012).
Yazdani, A. “Topological Surface States: Science and Potential Applications”. Invited paper, proceedings of SPIE 8373-1 (2012).
P. Aynajian, E. H. da Silva Neto, A. Gyenis, R. E. Baumbach, J. D. Thompson, Z. Fisk, Eric D. Bauer, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing Heavy Fermions Emerging in a Quantum Critical Kondo Lattice”. Nature 486, 201 (2012).
H. Beidenkopf, P. Roushan, J. Seo, L. Gorman, I. Drozdov, Y. S. Hor, R. J. Cava, and A. Yazdani, “Spatial Fluctuations of Helical Dirac Fermions on the Surface of Topological Insulators”. Nature Physics 7, 939 (2011).
Y. S. Hor, P. Roushan, H. Beidenkopf, J. Seo, D. Qu, J. G. Checkelsky, L. Wray, D. Hsieh, Y. Xia, S. Y. Xu, D. Qian, M. Z. Hasan, N. P. Ong, A. Yazdani, and R. J. Cava, “Development of Ferromagnetism in the Doped Topological Insulator Bi2-xMnxTe3”. Physical Review B 81, 195203 (2010).
C. V. Parker, A. Pushp, A. N. Pasupathy, K. K.Gomes, J. Wen, Z. Xu, S. Ono, G. Gu, and A. Yazdani, "Nanoscale Proximity Effect in the High Temperature Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+3”. Physical Review Letters 104, 11701 (2010).
Y. S. Hor, A. J. Williams, J. G. Checkelsky, P. Roushan, J. Seo, Q. Xu, H. W. Zandbergen, A. Yazdani, N. P. Ong, and R. J. Cava, “Superconductivity in CuxBi2Se3 and Its Implications for Pairing in the Undoped Topological Insulator”. Physical Review Letters 104, 057001 (2010).
A. Richardella, P. Roushan, S. Mack, B. Zhou, D. Huse, D. Awschalom, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing critical correlations near the metal-insulator transition Ga1-xMnxAs”. Science 327, 665 (2010).
P. Aynajian, E. H. da Silva Neto, C. V. Parker, Y. Huang, A. Pasupathy, J. Mydosh, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing the Formation of the Kondo Lattice and the Hidden Order in URu2Si2”. PNAS 107, 10383-10388 (2010).
C. V. Parker, P. Aynajian, E. H. da Silva Neto, A. Pushp, S. Ono, J. Wen, Z. Xu, G. Gu, and A.Yazdani, “Fluctuating Stripes at the Onset of the Pseudogap in the High-Tc Supercondutor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x”. Nature 468, 677 (2010).
J. Seo, P. Roushan, H. Beidenkopf, Y. S. Hor, R. J. Cava, and A. Yazdani, “Transmission of Topological Surface States Through Surface Barriers”. Nature 466, 343 (2010).
A. Pushp, C. V. Parker, A. N. Pasupathy, K. K. Gomes, S. Ono, J. Wen, Z. Xu, G. Gu, and A. Yazdani, “Extending Universal Nodal Excitations Optimizes Superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+3," Science 324, 1689 (2009).
A. Richardella, D. Kitchen, and A. Yazdani. “Mapping the Wave Function of Transition Metal Acceptor States in the GaAs Surface”. Physical Review B 80, 045318 (2009).
Y. S. Hor, A. Richardella, P. Roushan, Y. Xia, J. G. Checkelsky, A. Yazdani, M. Z. Hasan, N. P. Ong, and R. J. Cava, “p-Type Bi2Se3 for Topological Insulator and Low-Temperature Thermoelectric Applications”. Physical Review B 79, 195208 (2009).
P. Roushan, J. Seo, C. V. Parker, Y.-S. Hor, D. Hsieh, D Qian, A. Richardella, M. Z. Hasan, R. J. Cava, and A. Yazdani, “Topological Surface States Protected From Backscattering by Chiral Spin Texture”. Nature 460, 1106 (2009).
Yazdani, A. “Visualizing Pair Formation on the Atomic Scale and Search for the Mechanism Superconductivity in High-Tc Cuprates”. Plenary invited paper, Proceeding of the 25th conference on Low Temperature Physics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 164214 (2009).
A. N. Pasupathy, A. Pushp, K. K. Gomes, C. V. Parker, J. Wen, Z. Xu, G. Gu, S. Ono, Y. Ando, and A. Yazdani, “Electronic Origin of the Inhomogeneous Pairing Interaction in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+3”. Science 320, 196 (2008).
D. Hsieh, Y. Xia, L. Wray, D. Qian, K. Gomes, A. Yazdani, G.F. Chen, J. L. Luo, N. L. Wang, and M. Z. Hasan, “Experimental Determination of the Microscopic Origin of Magnetism in Parent Iron Pnictides”. arXiv:0812.2289 [cond-mat.supr-con] 2008.
K. K. Gomes, A. N. Pasupathy, A. Pushp, C. V. Parker, S. Ono, Y. Ando, G. Gu, and A. Yazdani, “Mapping of the Formation of the Pairing Gap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+3”. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 69, 3034-3038 (2008).
L. Wray, D. Qian, D. Hsieh, Y. Xia, L. Li, J. G. Checkelsky, A. Pasupathy, K. K. Gomes, C. V. Parker, A. V. Fedorov, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo, A. Yazdani, N. P. Ong, N. L. Wang, and M. Z. Hasan, “Momentum-Dependence of Superconducting Gap, Strong-Coupling Dispersion Kink, and Tightly Bound Cooper Pairs in the High-Tc (Sr,Ba)1-x(K-,Na)xFe2As2 Superconductors”. Physical Review B 78, 184508 (2008).
K. Gomes, A. Pasupathy, A. Pushp, S. Ono, Y. Ando, and A. Yazdani, “Gap Distributions and Spatial Variation of Electronic States in Superconducting and Pseudogap States of Bi2Sr2Ca2CuO8+3”. Physica C: Superconductivity 460-462, 212 (2007).
Kitchen, D., et al. “Hole-Mediated Interactions of Mn Acceptors on GaAs (110)”. Journal of Applied Physics 2007. Print.
C. H. L. Quay, J. Cumings, S. J. Gamble, A. Yazdani, H. Kataura, and D. Goldhaber-Gordon, “Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotube C60 Peapods”. Physical Review B 76, 073404 (2007).
M. P. Jura, M. A. Topinka, L. Urban, A. Yazdani, H. Shtrikman, L. N. Pfeiffer, and D. Goldhaber-Gordon, “Unexpected Features of Branched Flow Through High Mobility Two-Dimensional Electron Gases”. Nature Physics 3, 841 (2007).
K. Gomes, A. Pasupathy, A. Pushp, S. Ono, Y. Ando, and A. Yazdani, “Visualizing Pair Formation on the Atomic Scale in the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+3”. Nature 447, 569 (2007).
D. Kitchen, A. Richardella, J.-M. Tang, M. Flatte, and A. Yazdani, “Atom-by-Atom Substitution of Mn in GaAs and Visualization of Their Hole-Mediated Interactions”. Nature 442, 436 (2006). (cover story)
Yazdani, A. “Lean and Mean Superconductivity”. Nature Physics 2, 151-152 (2006).
D. Kitchen, A. Richardella, and A. Yazdani. “Spatial Structure of a Single Mn Impurity State on GaAs (110) Surface”. Journal of Superconductivity: Incorporating Novel Magnetism 18, 23 (2005).
M. Vershinin, S. Misra, Y. Abe, Y. Ando, and A. Yazdani, “Electron Standing Waves on the Surface of Bi2Sr2Ca2CuO8+3”. Proceedings of Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity and High Temperature Superconductors, Brazil, May 2003, in Physica C: Superconductivity 408-410, 764-767, (2004).
S. Misra, M. Vershinin, P. Phillips, and A. Yazdani, “Failure of Scattering Interference in the Pseudogap State of Cuprate Superconductors”. Physical Review B 70, 220503 (2004).
M. Vershinin, S. Misra, S. Ono, Y. Abe, Y. Ando, and A. Yazdani, “Local Ordering in the Pseudogap State of the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2CuO8+3”. Science 303, 1995 (2004).
H.-D. Chen, O. Vafek, A. Yazdani, and S.-C Zhang, “Pair Density Wave in the Pseudogap State of High Temperature Superconductors”. Physical Review Letters 93, 187002 (2004).
A. Yazdani and E. J. Mele. “Probing Electronic Structure of Nanotube Peapods with the STM”. Applied Physics A 76, 469-474 (2003).
A. Yazdani, “Atomic scale imaging & spectroscopy of Fullerene peapods," Proceedings of the XVI International Winter School on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, 633, p. 113-117 (American Institute of Physics, New York (2002).
S. Misra, D.J. Hornbaker, S. Oh, T. DiLuccio, J. N. Eckstein, and A. Yazdani, “Atomic Scale Imaging and Spectroscopy of a CuO2 Plane at the Surface of the High-Tc Superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca2CuO8+3”. Physical Review Letters 89, 87002 (2002).
S. Misra, D. J. Hornbaker, S. Oh, T. DiLuccio, J. N. Eckstein, and A. Yazdani, “Formation of Andreev Bound State at the Step Edges of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Surface”. Physical Review B 66, 100510 (2002).
D. J. Hornbaker, S-J Kahng, S. Misra, B. W. Smith, A. T. Johnson, E. J. Mele, D. E. Luzzi, and A. Yazdani, “Mapping the One-Dimensional Electronic States of Nanotube Peapod Structures”. Science 295, 828-831 (2002). (cover story)
C. L. Kane, E. J. Mele, A. T. Johnson, D. E. Luzzi, B. W. Smith, D. J. Hornbaker, and A. Yazdani, “Theory of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Fullerene Peapods”. Physical Review B 66, 235423 (2002).
A. Yazdani, “Atomic-Scale Studies of Impurities in Superconductors with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope”. Applied Physics A 72, S257-261 (2001).
D. Sheehy, I. Adagideli, P. M. Goldbart, and A. Yazdani, “Probing d-Wave Pairing Correlations in the Pseudogap Regime of the Cuprate Superconductors Via Low-Energy States Near Impurities”. Physical Review B 64, 224518 (2001).
A. Yazdani, “Watching an Atom Tunnel”. Nature 409, 471-472 (2001).
D. Sheehy, J. Schmalian, P. M. Goldbart, and A. Yazdani, “Andreev Interferometry as a Probe of Superconducting Phase Fluctuations in the Pseudogap Regime of the Cuprates”. Physical Review B 62, 4105-4113 (2000).
A. Yazdani, C. M. Howald, C. P. Lutz, A. Kapitulnik, and D. M. Eigler, “Impurity-Induced Bound Excitations on the Surface of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+”. Physical Review Letters 83, 176-179 (1999).
I. Adagideli, A. Shnirman, P. M. Goldbart, and A. Yazdani, Low-Energy Quasiparticle States Near Extended Scatterers in d-Wave Superconductors and Their Connection with SUSY Quantum Mechanics”. Physical Review B 83, 5571-5574 (1999).
P. Phillips, S. Sachdev, S. Kravchenko, and A. Yazdani, “Quantum Conductors in a Plane”. 10th Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96, 9983–9984, (1999).
A. Shnirman, I. Adagideli, P. M. Goldbart, and A. Yazdani, "Resonant States and Order-Parameter suppression Near Point-Like Impurities in d-Wave Superconductors,” Physical Review B 60, 7517-7522 (1999).
A. Yazdani and C. M. Lieber. “Up Close and Personal with Atoms”. Nature 401, 227-230 (1999).
A. Yazdani, A., D. M. Eigler, and N. D. Lang. “Electrical Resistance of One or Two Atoms," in Atomic and Molecular Wires, Eds. C. Joachime and S. Roth, Kluwer, (1997). (The book must be purchased. If you wish to purchase Atomic and Molecular Wires, the site has been provided for your convenience.)
A. Yazdani, B. A. Jones, C. P. Lutz, M. F. Crommie, and D. M. Eigler, “Probing the Local Effects of Magnetic Impurities on Superconductivity”. Science 275, 1767-1770 (1997).
A. Yazdani, N. D. Lang, and D. M. Eigler. “Off-resonance conduction through atomic wires," Science 272, 1921-1924 (1996).
D. Ephron, A. Yazdani, A. Kapitulnik, and M. R. Beasley, “Observation of Quantum Dissipation in the Vortex State of Highly Disordered Two-Dimensional Superconductors”. Physical Review Letters 76, 1529-1532 (11996).
A. Yazdani and A. Kapitulnik. “Superconducting-Insulating Transition in a-MoGe Thin Films”. Physical Review Letters 74, 3037-3040 (1995).
A. Yazdani, W. R. White, C. M. Howald, M. R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Competition Between Pinning and Melting in the Two-Dimensional Vortex Lattice”. Physical Review B 50, 16117-16120 (1994).
A. Kapitulnik, A. Yazdani, J. S. Urbach, W. R. White, and M. R. Beasley, “Studies of Two-Dimensional MoGe Superconductors in a Magnetic Field”. Invited paper LT20, Physica B 197, 530–539, (1994).
A. Yazdani, W. R. White, M. R. Hahn, M. Gabay, M. R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Observation of Kosterlitz-Thouless-Type Melting of the Disordered Vortex Lattice in Thin Films of a-MoGe,” Physical Review Letters 70, 505-508 (1993).