Yazdani Lab

  • A microscopic perspective on moiré materials

    Exotic electronic landscapes of a few well-studied moiré materials. Our review discusses how local probe techniques have elucidated their underlying microscopic mechanisms.
    electronic landscapes of a few well-studied moiré materials
  • Quantum crystal of frozen electrons—the Wigner crystal—is visualized for the first time

    – one of the most important quantum phases that has eluded direct detection for some 90 years.
  • Visualizing the microscopic phases of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

    STM images of twisted bilayer graphene show graphene atomic lattice (left) and magic-angle graphene moiré superlattice (right).
    Left: STM images of twisted bilayer graphene; Right: image of Nature cover (Aug.2023 issue)
  • Hunting for Majoranas

    Left: Proposed state of electrons in a high magnetic field (even-denominator fractional quantum Hall states) are predicted to host Majorana quasiparticles.
    Proposed state of electrons in a high magnetic field

    Left: Proposed state of electrons in a high magnetic field. Right: Science cover (June 2023)

Harnessing the power of quantum microscopy techniques

A goal at the forefront of condensed matter physics is understanding how quantum phases of matter emerge from interactions among electrons or from topological properties of electronic states. These quantum phases can have novel electronic properties and host unusual quasiparticles, the control and manipulation of which may lead to new quantum technologies.

Our group's focus is to harness the power of high-resolution scanning quantum microscopy techniques to understand such novel phases of matter. These studies have provided information that is impossible to obtain using conventional macroscopic averaging techniques typically used in condensed matter physics. For example, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) techniques can directly visualize electronic wavefunctions in quantum materials, allowing us to understand the nature of new quantum phases and their excitations.

Our group not only applies well established techniques of quantum microscopy across a wide range of material platforms, but we also develop new microscopy methods and tools.

Recent Highlight

electronic landscapes of moiré materials

Exotic electronic landscapes of a few well-studied moiré materials. Our review discusses how local probe techniques have elucidated their underlying microscopic mechanisms.

A microscopic perspective on moiré materials

In this review, Ali Yazdani and Kevin Nuckolls discuss how local probe techniques are uniquely positioned to elucidate the microscopic mechanisms underlying the electronic phases in moiré materials. Cover story in Nature Reviews Materials (July 2024): Read more.

View All Highlights

Cover story: Nature Reviews Materials 9 (July 2024)

Nature Reviews Materials July 2024 cover

Video: Research Overview

Video: Lab Tour 2021